Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cambridge Festival of Ideas - #2 Seismographics

Next stop was the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences for the 'Seismographics' event. And of course we had a good look arond the museum here too.

First activity we tried was the pendulm drawing. In case you didn't know, this is how seismographs work. The helpers simlated an earthquake by wobbling the paper underneath the pendulum. I loved the construction - a rubber glove filled with sand as the weight with pens attached to a finger. Here's Little Miss having a go.

Then we attended the Science Show presented by Joel Gill, which explained all about earthquakes, with fun demos. Here are Little W and Little Miss helping out with the demonstration of S-waves and P-waves...

...and here is Big Miss helpng out by jumping up and down to create the seismic activity displayed on the trace.

After the talk we tried out out some of the demos. The Missus enjoyed herself too!

In fact we had to drage her away to visit the '18th Century Play Room' before it finished at 1pm.

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