The chicken was in the oven and the timer set. "Who wants a Sunday morning walk?". "Me!", said everybody. Well that's a change! I fancied a heathland walk. This was a chance to take the Missus to
Cavenham Heath - when we went there before, in the height of summer, we went without her.
I decided to drive down to Temple Bridge, rather than the car park at the end of the woodland walk. Oh oh...

This is the sort of road you need a Land Rover for. (In fact we saw one later merrily bouncing along through the puddles). So we stopped less than halfway to the bridge. But that meant we could follow the heathland trail through the birch wood.

I think it looks a bit sinister in winter, like the setting of a Tales of the Unexpected story. I bet Big Miss could come up with a creepy script...
Anyway, we emerged from the wood, and crossed the heath to Temple Bridge - closed to traffic these days as it is more than a bit rickety. Here we saw an unusual sight - the Rive Lark in torrents. It was fairly thundering over the weir.

Mind you, it had been pretty wet over the previous few days.
On the way back we met up with some riders. Little Miss got excited - she had a very horsey Christmas.

Hmm. Must remember to post a picture of her riding
We were nearly back at the car. It had been pretty cloudy, but, despite the forecast, had stayed dry. Then we saw the sun shining weakly through the clouds across the heath.

A very East Anglian winter look, I thought. The Missus thought it was a great walk. One for out list of regulars now, I think.
"I'm going to be really hungry when we get to the car", announced Little W. So it was home to the roast chicken with sharpened appetites. Mission accomplished.