Thursday, November 06, 2008

Felixstowe Beach - Walk to Cobbolds Point

The Missus came back from her trip Up North and announced she wanted to go to a beach. Again. We'd already been to Hunstanton this week. Well the quickest trip to a beach for us is to go straight down the A14 to Felixstowe. This time, instead of going to Landguard Point, we parked at the pier...

...and walked in the other direction - northwards. Very slowly. Yes they were all looking for shells and pebble to add to our collection.

I was struck by the way the beach was being eroded in places, despite the sea defences and despite the sea not being particularly rough.

At the north end you run out of beach at Cobbolds Point where there is this interesting "reef" defence...

Here's the view back along the promenade...

Spot the docks in the distance! A nice easy Sunday Morning walk; our pork was roasting nicely when we got home.

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