Sunday, March 15, 2009

Eye Surgery - Two Weeks On

Had my 1 week check-up.... a week late - it was the earliest I could get an appointment I could make. A bit of a non-event - I was in and out in barely 5 minutes. Read the same eye chart as for 1-day check up, but managed the line I faltered on and the line below, which meant I have "better than 20/20 vision"! Left eye is not quite as good as the right but that's got to be a great result. I don't need to go back again until my 6 month check-up.

Was able to have a shower and wash my hair today without trying to avoid getting water in my eyes. Hooray! And now I've been able to dispense with the night-time eye-shields. Hooray! Went all day without needing the artificial tears for the first time today. I've still got the halo effect and starbursts around bright lights at night, but that seems to be starting to fade - I'm told that will take a couple of months.

So now all I need to do is to remember to have the eye drops with me in case I need them (err... managed to forget to take them on our family trip to Dunwich Heath this morning) and to remember to take my reading glasses off after I've been doing some close-up work - that still feels weird!

All in all - Lovely job!

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