Thursday, August 03, 2006

Best Ever Leaving Speech

Yesterday was the last day of the Bury St Edmunds cattle market Tea Hut. As you can see it was pretty busy.

It reminded me that when I left my job I said I would put some reminiscences on my blog. So here's one about last days...

About 20 years ago I was working for Britsh Gas at their Engineering Research Station in Killingworth, just north of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. In those days they still had a typing pool. (Gosh that seems like another world, these days!) Anyway, one of the girls in the typing pool was leaving. So there was the usual gathering in reception and the handing over of leaving card, present and appropriate words from a senior manager. Her speech in response was the funniest I've ever heard...
I'd just like to say I've never met such a bunch of boring old f**ts in my life.
Cue embarrassed giggling all round. Nice one!

Update: I've spotted that a lot of visitors are coming to this blog via this post. Welcome! Do have a look around while you are here and leave me some comments if you like what you find.


Anonymous said...

I just have to say that I'm so happy to have found your blog! We'll be staying in your area for the month leading up to our wedding, and I'm looking forward to exploring some of the places you've described.

John said...

Good to hear from you. Have a great time and good luck with the wedding!