Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Presents

Before we can have our Christmas dinner, we need to clear the dining room table. So this year, rather than jars of pickled chillis, we have a different extra Christmas present for all the relatives. Bags of dried chillis...

I think they look rather festive, and quite smart in those cellophane bags with Tassel Pickle labels. Those are Tokyo Hot and Fiesta chillis.

Meanwhile, the Missus is creating a new sort of Christmas decoration from the dried Guajillos.

It's nearly as big as Little Miss! Only 9 more trayloads to go. Anyone need any dried chillis?


Anonymous said...

Having been on the excellent Thai cookery course at Aldeburgh school of cookery, I now find myself hosting and cooking on New Years eve so would love some chillies! Will email separately :)

Christina S said...

Would love to sample some of your chillies John. Mr Ruby and I both love them and cook frequently with them (especially Mr Ruby who is of Indian origin and sometimes munches a raw chilli on the side of his plate (owch!) if I haven't made the food flavoursome enough for his taste!! Your chillis look brilliant.