Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kings Forest - West Stow

I spotted an article by 21st Century Mummy in the latest Moreton Hall Directory entitled Getting Back to Nature", where she describes a trip to Lackford Lakes. She finishes by suggesting that the kids take their Dad out for a walk to enjoy some peace and quiet on Fathers' Day.

Nice idea, Karen, but in our house it's me who gets everyone else out. With the Missus frantically gearing up for her final assessment on her course, I took the kids out to Kings Forest at West Stow (here)- not very far from Lackford Lakes, on the pretext that we might find some raspberries. It had been ages since we were last there and the potholes in the access road have become much bigger. We parked at the end and did the waymarked 2-mile walk, but in the reverse direction for a change. This was so we could get to the raspberries early in the walk. Well, actually we were about a month too early to find any raspberries, but we soon forgot our disappointment and had a lovely walk through the trees.

No raspberries and no plague of frogs either, but there are wildflowers out everywhere along the trail and the woods echoed with birdsong. We found honeysuckle growing everywhere (including over the raspberries). But the most impressive sight was the foxgloves.

Not just one or two of them, but whole swathes.

Yes I did enjoy my Fathers' Day walk, although it wasn't always as peaceful and quiet as it would have been if I had gone on my own!

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