Saturday, June 21, 2008

Pizza Boy

Little W says he wants to have his own pizza shop when he grows up. The things is, he doesn't like pizza because he doesn't like cheese. So whenever I feed the girls bought pizza, he has to have something else. The solution - let him make his own without any cheese. Well after last week's butter making it was his turn to do something with Dad in the kitchen. So I got some pizza bases in the food shopping and he set to work to practise being a pizza-maker.

Leftover pizzaiola sauce made a good base and he put salami, ham and sweetcorn on his half, with the addition of cheese and pineapple one the other one and a half pizzas. Here they are in the oven.

And the verdict? Yummy. Little W's was perfect. "But a bit too much cheese", said Little Miss. "No. Not enough cheese", said Big Miss. Well there's no pleasing all the people all the time!

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