Sunday, June 18, 2006

Are Monsters Real?

We were doing an explore in Great Livermere, and wandering along a footpath that was a bit overgrown. "Daaaad. Are monsters real?", asked Little Miss. "No, of course not" I said, to head off the "Daaaad, I'm scared.", I could sense coming. That seemed to satisfy her, but it made the gravestones in the churchyard seem a bit sinister.

"Are there any zombies here?". What has her big sister been telling her? And the creaky churchyard gate was a bit spooky...

Still, we eventually found our way through the very long grass to the bridge over Ampton Water...

...and we returned without seeing any monsters. Well, after all, Ampton Water is rather smaller and shallower than Loch Ness.

But, it being Saturday, we did encounter monsters after all - on Dr. Who. Mind you, there is one small person who can't bear to watch...


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of my sister, Janette. She used to hide behnd the settee during Dr. Who (the original Dr. Who - it was a long time ago!)

John said...

My sister Kirsty use to do so too. Glad to see you found the Blog, Jacqui. Greetings to you and yours in the USA.