Thursday, June 15, 2006

Follow These Instructions

You know how it happens. You put something into your search engine like "bowling in Bury St Edmunds" and stumble upon something unexpected like this - (thanks, Ruby!).

In my case I was looking to see if anyone else had found problems with plastic spectacle lenses after visiting a sauna (don't ask!), and I came across Even More Instructions. Then I followed the link to to the original Follow These Instructions.

Fantastic. Started in 1998 by Bill Beatty, it is still going, collecting weird and wacky things to try out. I particularly like this recent review on Stumbleupon...

This place is simply awesome, i like doing the one where you cut a grape in half leaving only a piece of its skin and microwave it, i like the sparks, but sometimes huge flames come out too.

I think this should provide plenty of stuff for the kids to try. And me too, I have to admit.

Furthermore, now that I've stumbled on Stumbleupon I suspect I won't be short of web places to explore either.


Anonymous said...

Prevent misting on lenses... need something to reduce the surface tension. A pure detergent (not washing-up liquid). But with plastic lenses you need to be more careful so just wipe on and wipe off a little shampoo...

John said...

Thanks for the tip. Alas my problem was not with misting. The anti-reflective coating has been affected by the heat in the sauna and become rippled leading to horrid distortion. The lady in the opticians said yes you have to avoid heat. Now she tells me!