Thursday, June 15, 2006

Sports day at Sebert Wood

I think the schools in Bury St Edmunds are pretty good. Little Miss is at Sebert Wood County Primary School - following in the footsteps of Big Miss. It's a really happy place with excellent facilities and teaching.

Today was sports day for years 1 and 2, so I joined the horde of Mums and Dads to spectate. I got my camera out to take some pictures only to get the message "No Card!". Aaargh. I'd left it in the computer card reader. So I had to resort to taking photos with the new phone.

Here is a composite of the 10 events.

The kids anjoyed it, and so did the Mums & Dads. Little Miss wasn't the fastest at the running, but she did stop to give me a wave halfway up the straight. "You don't get that at the Olympics, do you?", said one of the Mums, with a grin.


ミス・イギリス said...

that field has lots of memories for me- my majorettes and I did a display on it each summer for about 4 years.

good times.

John said...

At the FOSW summer fair? Hey, I think I must have seen you perform there. This year's fair is on July 1st and is joint with Moreton Hall School, but still on Sebert Wood playing field.