Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Lavenham by Bike

On my ride on Friday evening to Bradfield St Clare I got as far as Cockfield Great Green, where I was surprised to see a sign saying it was only 4 more miles to Lavenham.

Lavenham is a lovely place to visit, so yesterday I did a bit of longer ride to Lavenham and back. I plotted a route that avoided all major roads and set off. [From Great Green I headed along Felsham Rd then turned right to Thorpe Morieux, then turned right towards Hill Farm and Manor farm, but took a wrong turning that meant I was on the A1141 for about 1/2 mile, before turning off to go down to Frog's Hall and then into Lavenham].

As I was hurtling down the hill to Frog's Hall I saw a 'Ford' sign. Oh-Oh. I hadn't spotted that on the map. Fortunately it was dry!

I locked my bike to a lamppost just across the road from Little Hall.

It was only 11:45, but this school trip were having their lunch already...

One place I just had to photograph, is the famous Swan Hotel.

It features on some place mats we got as a wedding present in 1990 - long before we moved to Suffolk.

I was tempted to call in at the Greyhound Inn, but I was a little short of time. Surely these hanging baskets wouldn't be allowed in Bury St Edmunds?

Instead I got some liquid sustenance from a grocery shop and set off back home. [I headed back towards Preston St Mary, then on toward Brettenham, turning left at Mill corner about 1/4 mile past Old Buckenham Hall School towards Felsham, thence Gedding, Hessett, Beyton and Blackthorpe].

I was home in just over an hour, which is not bad going, but I did have a good following wind most of the way. In total I did about 33 miles - yes my legs are feeling it a bit today!

1 comment:

Christina S said...

Lavenham's gorgeous isn't it. I love the hanging basket pic, and I agree, I'm sure those'd never be allowed in Bury!