Monday, July 10, 2006

Sebert Wood School Ofsted Report

Little Miss had her picture in the BFP on friday... amongst the other 300 or so pupils at Sebert Wood!

At least I think I can see her, but the missus isn't convinced.

I tried the online version of the article High Praise for School
but the picture is a too low resolution to help.

Anyway, the news is that the report from the Ofsted inspection last month has been published, and it's one to be proud of - at least 'good' in every category and 'outstanding' in Personal development and well-being and Care, guidance and support. Well done Mr. Rice and all the staff!

You can read the full report here - Ofsted report on Sebert Wood CP School, but don't take too much notice of the map if you are trying to find the school - the circle should be up at the top left hand corner, I think. Unless, that is, they've built some classrooms in the apple trees along Bedingfield Way that I don't know about.

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