Monday, October 23, 2006

Cook's Cottage

I mentioned previously that the cottage where Captain James Cook grew up, in Great Ayton, North Yorkshire, is now in the Fitzroy Gardens in Melbourne. Here is is...

And here's the story on how it comes to be there. It prompted me to look through my photo archives (yes I brought them with me to remind me of home and family) to find this...

Back in North Yorkshire, in Stewart Park, Middlesbrough
is the Captain Cook Birthplace Museum pictured here when we had a day out while were visiting Gran and Grandpa, who live just a few miles the other side of the River Tees.

So, Melburnians, if you've seen the house here, you now know where to go to get the rest of the story - if you're prepared to travel some 11,000 miles or so!

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