Tuesday, October 31, 2006


It's Halloween today, so my kids will be going out trick-or-treating in Bury St Edmunds. Here in Melbourne, now the clocks have gone forward, it is light until well past 8pm, and it's dry and mild, so it doesn't feel the same at all. But I reminded myself of what it would be like back home from my photo archives. Here are my terrible trio in 2004.

The Missus is a dab hand at the pumpkin carving.

Here is Big Miss and her pals last year.

I made some bat sandwiches, which we had for our tea, and were quite tasty, but every trick-or-treater who came to the door turned them down in favour of sweets. You would have thought at least one of them would have been health-conscious enough to give them a try.

Yes, they are just bacon sandwiches, but in some bread I made with a dollop of black food colouring added.

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