Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hunt the Roos

"Dad, have you seen any kangaroos yet?", asked Little Miss. "No." "Koalas?" "No. Only a stuffed one a busker had with him." She sounded very disappointed. She loves drawing and had being drawing pictures imagining what it would be like for me in Australia. The missus scanned one for me and sent it...

Hmm. A little confused about the fauna of Australia. I decided I had better get her some photos of real kangaroos.

The excellent tourist information office in Federation Square in Melbourne has leaflets about everything. It had one about Bundoora Park - "Melbourne's most Diverse Park". It includes a wildlife reserve. So I hopped on a No. 96 tram. The brochure optimistically says it's about 1/2 hour travel time. That must be in a car. The tram took 50 minutes. But no matter. There was indeed a wildlife reserve.

This is the billabong. And I always think of the outback when I see these wind turbines.

Yes here was plenty of native wildlife. We don't see birds like these at home (except in the aviary in the Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds).

And, yes, here are some kangaroos.

Bundoora Park also includes a farm, Cooper's Settlement, golf course and the highest point in the metropolitan area - Mount Cooper. Here is the view of the City centre from the top.

In fact there are good views in every direction, if you can manage to ignore the power lines. You can see the rest of my photos here on Flickr.

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