Saturday, May 20, 2006

More Rubbish

The council is rightly proud of the Blue Bin Recycling Scheme. St Edmundsbury Borough Council is officially top of the league when it comes to recycling. But there has been some confusion recently about new advice on what you should put in the bin.
"The blue bin is for "dry" recyclable material - plastics, paper, cardboard and metal."
...says one web page. But an apparently contradictory leaflet was recently circulate. The official answer is that, not only should you not put your waste into bags before putting them into the bin, but you should not even put plastic carrier bags or clingfilm in the bin either. Hmm.

Anyway, recently we accumulated too much rubbish to fit into our blue bin, so I took a trip to the revamped Rougham Hill Household Waste and Recycling Centre

It's really well laid out now. But beware - it has separate skips for plastic, cardboard, wood and metal. So I found I had to take my bag of blue bin overflow and sort it by hand at the site. Grr.

Actually, it was when I did an Internet search a few weeks ago looking for bottle banks, that I first came across the famous Ruby's Blog. But if you prefer, you can find where your nearest recycling points are more directly using this Bank locator.

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