Saturday, May 13, 2006

Utter Nonsense

The banners are out and the Bury St Edmunds Festival is well under way - here is what is on today.

I took the terrible trio to see "Utter Nonsense" at the Corn Exchange. £3 for me and £1 for each of them. Pretty good value. As were the jokes - "How do you make toast at the zoo?" (Answer later).

It was a great one man show. Little Miss and Mr sat on the floor, along with about 45 other kids, while Big Miss sat with me and the other big kids on the seats. It was fun for the grown-ups too - we thought the man behind us was going to laugh his head off, not least when Sigmund Freud the puppet tried to sit down and fell over - "Oh dear! A Freudian slip".

Effects included confetti and bubbles, requiring some of the little ones to be restrained from chasing the bubbles over the "stage". The story had a moral - friends being more important than fame and fortune or working too hard (Hmm, I have to agree with that).
Excellent entertainment.

We headed on to the Abbey Gardens afterwards, stopping to get one of those yummy hotdogs from the famous Barwells' cart on the way down Abbeygate St, to find the street theatre under way.

The Jones & Barnard Variety Show ...

treated us to striptease, escapology and the juggling of machetes while drinking a glass of beer balanced on the top of a head. Great fun!

We saw some wildlife in the gardens too. Quite a brood of little ducklings!

As for what these piglets were doing, I think I'd rather not know, but it was something called the Whalley Range All-Stars Pig.

Oh, by the way, (if you're still at all interested), you make toast in the zoo... putting your bread under the gorilla, of course!

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